Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday Sail: Live in the moment.

Learning to live in the moment.  That's today's lesson.  The kids are growing up right before my eyes, and it makes me not want to blink.  Have you every tried not to blink? 
I'm really trying to snap more pictures these days, too.  When the kids were little, I thought I'd never forget their sweet expressions, the funny things they said...  Now, I can hardly remember without the pictures.  Why didn't I write things down?  Oh yeah, my hands were full of dirty diapers, stuffed animals, duplos, and play-dough...
Well, today was a great day with the family and some friends.  I love being around my kids.  They are fun.  And of course, my hubby is my BFF!  I cherish these times.  I want to savor them and not rush through them.  

I know I'm sounding very mushing and sentimental....but I just found out that there are boys out there (you know who you are) that really, really like my daughters.   My babies!  Boys like my babies!  I wasn't prepared for this day...

Anyway...back to today.  Here are some pictures of our day.  You parents of little ones....go squeeze them right now! 

Because while you are blinking, they go from this...

To this....

Someday, it will just be the two of us and we'll wonder where these days have gone.  I'll have to learn to live in that moment when it comes...


  1. I hear you. We woke up sometime last month and noticed this young woman had come to live with us. Where did our little girl go? The good thing is, she likes us, is polite and easy to get along with, fun, and smart. No boys yet that I know of. So far, so good. ;-)

  2. Keep writing Karelin! We listening along the way with you! <3
