Saturday, October 3, 2009

It was an early morning so I made some banana bread.

Couldn't sleep.  Woke up around 4:30, got out of bed at 5:30...   When this happens I usually walk around the house in the dark, picking things up that were left on the floor.  Then I sit in the middle of the family room rug and pray.  Although I really love to sleep, these are very special times.  The house is dark and quiet and I feel all alone even though there are five other people sleeping just yards away.  Quality quiet time.   The sun begins to come up and a strange mix of regret and relief come over me.  Some days I'll crawl back into bed at this point, but today I puttered into the kitchen.  As quietly as I could, I started the coffee and got out the ingredients for my favorite banana bread.  Since I have this weird allergy to sulfites, I tend to bake a lot - so I can eat something.  I've adapted this recipe to be sulfite friendly.   This morning I decided to double it.  With all of us in the house, this bread doesn't last long.  Even though there are many sulfite-laden choices that the family could eat, they always want my homemade goodies - then there's not much left for me...

1 cup sugar
1 stick butter - yes, I always use real butter
2 large eggs
3 ripe bananas
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
2 cups all-purpose flour - I use organic that's not enriched to be sulfite free
1/2 cup yogurt - I use plain
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.  Butter a 9x5x3 inch loaf pan.  (When I double the recipe, I use a bunt pan or 2 loaf pans.)
Cream the sugar and butter in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy.  Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.
In a small bowl, mash the bananas with a fork.  Mix in the yogurt and cinnamon.  In another bowl, mix together the flour, baking soda and salt.
Add the banana mixture to the creamed mixture and stir until combined.  Add dry ingredients, mixing just until flour disappears.
Pour into prepared pan and bake 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.  Set aside to cool on a rack for 15 minutes.  Remove bread from pan, invert onto rack and cool completely before slicing - if you can...

Still, no one was up.  So with coffee and Bible in hand, I crept outside in the morning's first light to my favorite spot in the back yard.   A swing is set in a raised garden area at the back of the lot.  It's high enough that the view of the Koolaus is just breathtaking.  This is about as good as morning gets around here.   When God says that His mercies are new every morning, this is when I believe it. 

After a long, troubled night of seeking the Lord in the dark, the contrast of light and a new day is almost more than I can take in.  God is so faithful to meet me.  It never ceases to amaze me how a scheduled reading plan could come alive day after day.  I guess that's one of the mysteries of this living book.  God's breath is still fresh on each page. 

Psalm 138

A psalm of David.

1 I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart;
I will sing your praises before the gods.
2 I bow before your holy Temple as I worship.
I praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness;
for your promises are backed
by all the honor of your name.
3 As soon as I pray, you answer me;
you encourage me by giving me strength.
4 Every king in all the earth will thank you, Lord,
for all of them will hear your words.
5 Yes, they will sing about the Lord’s ways,
for the glory of the Lord is very great.
6 Though the Lord is great, he cares for the humble,
but he keeps his distance from the proud.
7 Though I am surrounded by troubles,
you will protect me from the anger of my enemies.
You reach out your hand,
and the power of your right hand saves me.
8 The Lord will work out his plans for my life—
for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.
Don’t abandon me, for you made me.

I am filled again with hope.  And now, the banana bread is ready! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow - that's awesome K. Thanks. I pray I'll come to the place where I can meet God in the morning. So far, I'm kind of a brunch companion.

    Gorgeous view - and great banana bread recipe. I just used up a bunch of frozen bananas but Ted will get more at the store soon. He's going gluten-free, which presents its own issues. We'll see what I can come up with.
