Just another day of homeschooling. It went like this...
Woke up late, 8:00a.m. Brr - must be 72 degrees. Fall is here.
Stumble to the kitchen to make coffee. I love my coffee - even though it's decaf. Guess I wont get in my morning run...Hubby is already out of the shower, and Steph gets in next. They have to leave the house first, everyone else must wait.
I let Blue outside. Even he slept in this morning.
By 8:45, we've all had breakfast and attempt to get to work. A couple of kids get to their desk wearing their blankets around them. Mark takes Steph to her class at the community college. We hit the books. Andrew goes to the computer for his math lesson, Rebecca heads to the family room with her literature book, and Rachael works on English lessons.
I love Thursdays because there's still time to get our work done for the week. I still have hope my lesson plan will pan out for this week. By Friday, all bets are off...
10:30 - everyone is more than ready for a break. So far we've done spelling, attempted writing, and grammar. I make a pitcher of lemonade and reach for my third cup of coffee... Oops! Forgot to print the history questions. Here they are... Got to hurry, the two middle girls have ballet at 12:00....tick, tock, tick, tock....pressure mounts.
11:45... Oh no, get your stuff, time to get into the car! We're LATE! Now what? Rachael doesn't feel well, and is going to stay home. Okay, Rebecca, just you - in the car. I've got to get gas in the Jeep before we get there....
Back home, Andrew and I do our prewriting on a history report, and then eat lunch. After lunch we head out to the swing to read. Beautiful, clear day. The swing is a great place to read together.
Rachael is doing her math on her laptop in her room. Neighbor, Laura, pops in to say, "hi!" They Skype a friend on the mainland for a few minutes.
Better get the chicken in the oven. Want to roast it for use later...
1:47...Now it's time to pick up Rebecca from ballet. Once she's home, I can help her with her science. Steph is home now, too. Thank goodness for my niece, Lauren, who gives her a ride home. Steph practices on the piano. This is the same piano that I practiced on as a kid. Sure is nice to hear it being played again.
Time for cleaning up the place. Looks like a tornado when through. That's the thing about homeschooling...I never get to keep the house clean for long. We are always hanging around, messing it up again!

4:30...Time to head into the kitchen. I'll make dinner for my family tonight from a recipe I found on the Pioneer Woman. It's Spaghetti with Artichoke Hearts and Tomatoes. Yum.... I'm also making a macaroni and cheese with chicken and mixed veggies for my friend and her family. She teaches Steph piano, and I cook her a casserole. Works for me!
With the food done, I think I can sit down. Mark is home now, and all is well with my world. But the day isn't finished yet. Steph and Rachael go to youth group, and Mark is off to a church board meeting. Oh yes, there's the Wii game due at Blockbuster...out I go again.
Finally, it's 9:30 p.m. and everyone is back home. The cool night air is seeping in the windows. And I sit at the computer to attempt a new blog...
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