Friday, January 22, 2010

A Faithful Pilgrimage

This weekend I'm off to our church's annual Women's Retreat.  I've been part of this group of women for 23 years, and I've been involved in planning the retreat in one way or another for about 21 of those years.  (I only missed one retreat during that time.)  No matter what is happening in our lives, we always manage to get away for a weekend.   Over the years, dear sisters have moved away or moved on to heaven and new sisters take their place.  But there is that core of ladies, the remnant that remains faithful year after year.  I guess I'm one of them.

I know these ladies love me.  How?  Because they always agree to whatever I throw at them.  From the country crafts we did in the 80's, to the fashion shows and karaoke of the 90's,  to the fire tunnels and contemplation of this decade, they jump in with both feet.  That is truly a blessing to me.  They have let me think I'm in charge, when in reality, they have been mentoring me and allowing me to grow up.  Such a lesson of grace.

So it is with a humble heart that I venture back to our retreat.  I know they will love me through all my shenanigans this weekend.  (That's what retreats are for!) And God will be faithful again to bring us loser to His heart, and to each other.

Have a great weekend!

Photo by my niece, Kelsi Kauhane on Pakele Nui.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to our ladies retreat's all year! Trusting you have a fantastically, wonderful time!!

    On a side note, is there another way I could contact you outside of your comment box here? (e-mail, etc)? There have been a couple times I wanted to dialogue a bit more but couldn't find a way to get in touch except here. :-)
