See the heart in the sky?
It was a busy, but fun weekend. Mother's Day was celebrated with the grandmothers and family over at our house. Home-made pizza, bottled root beer and fresh strawberries with chocolate, brown sugar and sour cream for dipping. Yum.
Still waiting on interview one "no" for sure, but am waiting on two more answers. What a process. On the way to my interview last Thursday, I really started doubting myself. It all started when in dug to the bottom of my purse for lipstick. I never wear it, but it's in my purse. I guess it's a mom thing. Anyway, when I looked into the rear-view mirror to put it on (my mother never needed a mirror) all I could see were the flaws in my face. The self-talk went something like this, "Look at those wrinkles, you're way too old for this...", "Your teeth are so yellow. You shouldn't even open your mouth..." It was relentless. The nasty voice in my head was going full force. Thankfully, I had a few minutes to spare so I pulled over and took a few deep breaths. Then I prayed. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I know that the nasty voice had to go. My Redeemer was with me. He who made me, cares for me and loves me gave me the courage I needed. I walked into that interview with my head held high - smiling.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Psalm 73: 25-26
This then is how we know that we belong to the truth,
and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence
whenever our hearts condemn us.
For God is greater than our hearts,
and he knows everything.
1 John 3:19-20
I am so grateful that I have a place to run when my heart condemns me. God is so much greater than my heart. It is so easily swayed and deceived. He knows how to set my heart at rest. All have have to do is run to His presence.
1000 Gifts: (234 - 251)
prayer in the night for a sleepless son
hearts reconciled
new job prospects
encouraging words from a friend
divine appointments
going to the theater with the kids
peeling potatoes for mission meal
classic Audrey Hepburn movie for the family
injured bird recovering in a box
enough for today
great interview
crazy dream that makes you laugh when you wake
mother's and daughter's lunch
multi-generation hula
hand-made card and gifts from loving kids
loving memory of a mom in heaven
two more loving on-earth mothers
Join the Gratitude Community here:
Photo by Rachael James
hearts reconciled
new job prospects
encouraging words from a friend
divine appointments
going to the theater with the kids
peeling potatoes for mission meal
classic Audrey Hepburn movie for the family
injured bird recovering in a box
enough for today
great interview
crazy dream that makes you laugh when you wake
mother's and daughter's lunch
multi-generation hula
hand-made card and gifts from loving kids
loving memory of a mom in heaven
two more loving on-earth mothers
Join the Gratitude Community here:
Photo by Rachael James
Enough for today... how true.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I just smile when I see your banner. I'm the oldest of three girls and loved every minute of growing up! :) Although I always hoped my mom would have one more so I could have a brother. I just had to wait and now I'm getting my dose of boys!
Yours is the second place this week that I have heard about strawberries with sour cream and brown sugar. Never before have I heard of that combo. Will have to try it.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I've been struggling with that nasty negative self talk from within.
What an encouragement to me to see you be thankful in the midst.
Praying for you today friend!